

Petz resource ID clash checker (petzid)

petzid screenshot

A simple command-line utility that outputs a list of clashing IDs in a given directory. It works for breeds, clothes and toys.

I recommend putting the downloaded executable in the same directory as your Petz x.exe. It should work with Petz 3 to 5 but has primarily been tested with 4.

Note that this tool is NOT currently user-friendly. If I find some easy and lightweight way to pull info from the Windows registry in Rust, I may add game directory detection and some interactive functionality. It's also only available for 64-bit at this time.

License: GPL3

Usage examples:

./petzid Resource/Catz
.\petzid.exe Resource/Toyz
petzid.exe Resource/Clothes

Download: (~2.3M) — contains executables for either OS (64-bit)


Pumpkin Auto-Rolling Ball (ID: FF2F)

Pumpkin ball picture

Download: (~32K)

Based on the auto-rolling ball, this toy can move on its own.


Pumpkin Bucket (ID: FB5F)

Pumpkin bucket picture

Download: (~20K)

Uses the NoseThing slot for clothing.

Bat wings (ID: FE5F – FF5F)

Bat wings picture

Download: (~36K)

Comes as two separate items that attach to the shoulders. Uses earringL and earringR categories by default, feel free to change as needed.

Skeletal wings (ID: FC5F – FD5F)

Skeletal wings picture

Download: (~32K)

Comes as two separate items that attach to the shoulders. Uses earringL and earringR categories by default, feel free to change as needed.

Color side bows (ID: 014F – 144F)

Color side bows picture Color side bows picture

Download: (~216K)

A set of colored bows in all the texturable colors.

Pattern side bows (ID: 154F – 284F)

Pattern side bows picture Pattern side bows picture

Download: (~232K)

A set of colored bows in various textures.


Adoption Center Inside (ID: 004F)

Adoption Center Inside screenshot

Download: (728K)

Features some animations for the door and window.

Edited Snow Scene (overwrites: Snow Scene.env)

Snow Scene screenshot

Download: (~2.5M)

Fixes some of the issues I had with the original Snow Scene, such as the sky color and the constantly falling off snowman decorations.


Ragdoll (ID: A403)

Ragdoll cat breed

Download: (396K)

Comes with a Calico personality. Mostly a loose interpretation of the breed's appearance, unlikely to ever be compliant with any formal shows. The name and ID intentionally coincides with the Ragdoll file from Carolyn's Creations, so they can be swapped freely with the adopted Petz still available to play.


dali floral floral_light frlbeige goldsmall pines pinkpolka plaid_black plaid_blue plaid_gray plaid_xmas plaid_yellow starry starry_small zebra


Resource Metadata

I decided on a convention for including metadata in my modified resources. I embed a TXT resource named INFO following this format:

name: Any human-readable name
type: toy (clo, env, cat, dog)
author: Forell
license: CC0
description: General description and notes.

I encourage other hexers visiting my website to adopt a similar convention. In the long term it could make classification and archiving of resources easier, possibly even using automated tools. It also makes it easy to store attribution information consistently regardless of resource type and whether it includes a LNZ section or not. The goal is to be both machine- and human-readable and provide a single place to look for general resource information.


All assets and modifications are provided under the CC0 license whenever applicable, unless specified otherwise. That means you're free to use, share and remix my creations.

I believe this community thrived for as long as it did because of many of the pioneers' willingness to share. Additionally, I have no claim to the original PF Magic content that my modifications are based on. I think others should be as free to modify my creations as they are to modify the originals. This is my personal choice, so I don't take issue with others having a different approach; it's just something I wish was considered more nowadays.

Although it's not required, I will appreciate it if you credit me for stuff I made if you are hosting it or a derivative, or found it useful in any other way. Thanks!

More about the CC0 license here.